Obtained linelists
Page is intended for working with linelists obtained by simulation (Fig. 1).
Fig. 1. The page of obtained linelists
The viewport of the browser window is a set of tabs. The default Linelists tab shows the results of the linelist simulation. It is a table of available linelist. The table contains the description of each linelist and the values of the parameters used in the simulation. This table contains also some additional columns. We describe them more detailed.
The leftmost column of the table contains checkboxes allowing you to select linelists to perform the actions indicated on the buttons below the table. The checkbox in the table header allows to select all linelists or deselect all linelists.
The next column In is available only to registered users and inform about where is the spectrum saved: in the user's archive (U) or in a temporary storage (C: cache).
The Description column contains the following properties of the spectrum: molecule, isotopologue(s).
The Plot column shows whether the graphical representation of the spectrum is available. The portal sites provide the ability of nteractive manipulation with graphical data in the client browser. The attempt to build a plot for too large data file can cause the "hang" of the browser due to the long time required for building of the plot or exhausting the available RAM. The column can contain the values Y (Yes, the plot is available) or N (No, the plot is not available). Since there is a possibility of plotting several spectra, the choice of a number of spectra to plot may lead to similar results. According to our estimates, the total number of pairs of points (X,Y) for the plot should not exceed 500 thousand, although this limit can vary significantly depending on the parameter (primarily the amount of available RAM) of the user's computer.
The Size column specifies the file size in Kbytes.
The colored box in the next column has the same color as the color of square in a pop-up message about starting of the spectrum simulation. It can be useful for visual identification of the spectrum.
The last column allows to perform some actions with the spectrum. It contains 3 buttons. The button

Buttons below the table
The button Plot selected allows you to plot selected spectra. The plot is displayed in a separate tab.
The button Delete selected allows you to delete all marked spectra.
The button Save selected allows you to move marked spectra from temporary storage to the user's archive. Available only to registered users.
Other tabs are used for graphical and numerical representation of selected spectra and appear on the user's requests.
Format of numerical data
Numerical files are displayed in View tabs at the click of a button