References for the molecule NO+
Displaying 1-9 of 9 results.
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K.P. Huber, G. Herzberg, Molecular spectra and molecular structure IV. Constants of diatomic molecules //Van Nostrand Reinhold Co., NY (1979)
Reference comment: Positions based on a fit by D.R. Smith, AF Phillips Lab, using data of four references above. - 1.
- D.R. Smith, E.R. Huppi, R.M. Nadile, Improved rotational constants for the ground electronic state of NO+ from atmospheric emission spectra //private communication
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D.R. Smith, E.R. Huppi, J.O. Wise, Observation of highly rotationally excited NO+ emissions in the thermosphere //J Atmos Solar-Terrestrial Phys 62, 1189-1198 (2000)
Publication comment: Positions based on a fit by D.R. Smith, AF Phillips Lab, using data of four given above references - 1.
- F.P. Billingsley, Calculation of the absolute infrared intensities for the 0−1, 0−2 and 1−2 vibration-rotation transitions in the ground state of NO+ //Chem Phys Lett 23, 160-166 (1973)
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- W.C. Ho, I. Ozier, D.T. Cramb, M.C.L. Gerry, Diode laser spectroscopy of the vibrational fundamental of NO+ //J Mol Spectrosc 149, 559-561 (1991)
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- G. Hilpert, H. Linnartz, M. Havenith, J.J. ter Meulen, W.L. Meerts, Tunable infrared and far-infrared direct absorption spectroscopy of molecular ions in a supersonic jet expansion //Chem Phys Lett 219, 384-388 (1994)
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- M. López-Puertas, J.-M. Flaud, J. Peralta-Calvillo, B. Funke, and S. Gil-López, NO+ fundamental and first hot ro-vibrational line frequencies from MIPAS/Envisat atmospheric spectra //J Mol Spectrosc 237, 218-224 (2006)
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- W.C. Bowman, E. Herbst, F.C. De Lucia, Millimeter and submillimeter spectrum of NO+ //J Chem Phys 77, 4261–4262 (1982)
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E. Miescher, Rotationsanalyse der NO+-banden //Helv Phys Acta 29, 135–144 (1956)
Publication comment: Positions based on a fit by I. Gordon (2006), using data of five given above references
Reference comment: Positions based on a fit by I. Gordon (2006), using data of five references above.